Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Week #17 A.P. Gov. Rogers

Happy New Year!!!!!


Discussion over pages 352-357

Target: Students will learn about Representatives and Senators. By the end of the period they should be able to know how many members of congress exist and more importantly from which social group these members typically are elected. Key Questions.

-How important are the personal characteristics of members of congress?
-Can a group of predominately White, upper-middle-class, middle aged Protestant males adequately represent a much more diverse population?
-Do members of Congress work for themselves or the population at large?


Discussion over pages 357-362

Target: Students will examine the congressional elections and who if anyone has the advantage. Key terms are as follows.
-Incumbents-- Why is it so hard to defeat an Incumbent?
-Credit Claiming-- Casework and Pork barrel
-Position Taking
-Weak Opponents
-Campaign Spending


Quiz of key concepts


Discuss pages 363-367

Target: Students will learn how Congress is organized to make policy. Key concepts.
American Bicameralism
-The House
--House Rules Committee
-The Senate


Federalist #51

Target: Students will analyze Federalist #51 with the objective of finding themes through the use of quotes. Possible themes could include the following.

  • Separation of Power

  • Republic govt virtues

  • Arguments for a bicameral legislature

  • Checks and Balances

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Week #16 A.P. Gov Rogers


Target: Students will learn a research technique that will help them with current event projects. They will also learn about finding reliable sources and searching for informative topics.

Key Terms

Soft Money
527 Groups
Buckley v. Valeo
Campaign Finance Reform
Single Issue Groups


All Current Event Project are due. All students should be prepared to present. Student will also receive their Winter Break Homework.


Test Revisions and essay scores. Students will see the results of their last exam.


Current Event Projects Continued


Current Event Projects Finished

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Week #15 A.P. Gov. Rogers


Discussion and Review over both ch. 9 and ch. 10.

Target: Student will learn a technique to build their own study guides. Part of success in post secondary school is knowing how to identify important information from the text. Students will learn how to develop their own review by writing question about the content. We will be working in small groups to develop questions about the content from the last two chapters.


Review using study guide- 527 and PAC handouts will be distributed.


Essay response portion of Unit #4 Exam


Multiple Choice portion of Unit #4 Exam


Current Event Work- Campaign Finance Reform

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Week #14 AP Gov. Rogers


Discuss Pages 298-304

Target: Students will learn how American elections work. They will examine three elections in American history and evaluate how important each was in changing campaign and election day expectations.

Ideas for discussion

The 1800 Election
The 1896 Election
The 2000/2004 Election


Discuss handout "Internet Injects Sweeping Change into U.S. Politics"

Target: Students will read and respond to questions about how the Internet is influencing elections.


Discuss pages 304-310

Target: Students will learn about the two choices Americans have in every election. Whether or not to vote and how to vote. These decisions seem to be easy, but are influenced by many factors. Students will learn these factors and how they influence elections.


Discuss pages 310-315

Target: Students will learn how Americans generally make voting decisions. Terms used in this explanation include the following.

Mandate theory of elections
Policy Voting


Discuss pages 315-319

Target: The electoral college and their influence in national elections.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Week #13 AP Gov. Rogers


Discuss Pages 284-288

Target: Campaign Finance Reform- Students will learn about how campaigns are financed and how modern reform aims at "leveling" the playing field for campaign contributions. The following topics will be discussed.

Federal Election Campaign Act
Federal Election Commission (FEC)
Matching Funds
Soft Money
527 groups


Continued Discussion on Campaign Finance Reform


Discuss Pages 288-293

Target: Students will learn about Political Action Committees. By the end of the period students should have a strong understanding of how PAC's influence campaigns and candidates. They should also begin to understand how PAC's can influence campaign promises.




No School

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Week #12 AP Gov. Rogers

Dear AP Gov. @ Rogers

I can not begin to express my gratitude for what you've done. It hasn't been easy dealing with Easton's illness, but knowing I have classes like you definitely helps. From staying on task and treating Mr. Iverson with outstanding respect, to filming a wonderful get well video, you've really gone way beyond the typical expectation of a class. Every time I think of all the effort you put into the last three weeks, I am amazed. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You've helped in ways I can't even express. I will truly never forget this!


Mr. Zentz

Monday 11-14-11

Discuss Current Election- Nominations

Reading Provided and Power Point over history of the nomination process.

Tuesday 11-15-11

Discuss pages 270-277

Target: Students will learn the nomination game (i.e. How to get elected?) As part of this students will learn about the National Party Convention and the two ways delegates are chosen (i.e. Caucus System or Primary). The goal being students should have a better understanding of what the presidential candidates are fighting within their own party for today.

Wednesday 11-16-11

Clean-Up Day- Clean up all loose ends before submitting grades

Thursday 11-17-11

Discuss pages 277-281

Target: The process of selecting a representative from a convention is not complete without the send-off. Historically this has been very dramatic event. Student will examine the process and look at past conventions to see the drama of a national convention.

Friday 11-18-11

Discuss Pages 281-283

Target: Students will learn about organizing a political campaign. By end of the period student will learn about the 10 step necessary for a successful campaign. These would include the following.

Hire a manager
Get a fund-raiser

Get a campaign counsel

Hire Media

Assemble a campaign staff

Plan the logistics

Get a research staff

Hire a pollster

Get a good press secretary
Est. a website (Facebook)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Week #9 A.P.Gov. Rogers

Sorry about the blog being late. My son is very sick and in the hospital. I will not be in attendance tomorrow. Please show our guest your ram pride by being attentative and on task.


Finish Non-Completed Current Event Projects- Student list will be provided


Discuss Pages 184-188

Target: Students will learn about political socialization. Specifically, students will learn how Americans learn about politics.

Political Socialization
--The Family
--The Mass Media


Discuss Pages 189-193

Target: Students will learn about how to measure public opinion about political information.

How polls are conducted?
--Random Sampling
--Sampling Errors
--Random Digit Dialing
What Role do the polls play in American Democracy?
--Exit Polls
What polls reveal about Americans' political information?


Discuss pages 196-200

What Americans Value: Political Ideology
--Foreign Policy
--Social Policy
--Economic Policy
How Younger and Older Americans Compare on the Issues?


Current Event- Finish Current Event #2

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Week #8 A.P. Gov. Rogers


Discuss results of political ideology quiz.

Target: Students will take a political ideology quiz and we will discuss the results. An discuss of the results and the differences in ideology between Liberal, Conservative, Populist and Libertarian will help facilitate an understanding of each individual political ideology.


Discussion of pages 85-90

Target: Students will learn about fiscal federalism and its importance in politics today. Though the discussion students should begin to understand the difference between the following.

  • Categorical Grants--Project Grants and Formula Grants

  • Block Grants


Review of Federalism Unit: Review sheet provided


Unit #2 Exam 4o multiple choice and one short essay response. 50 pts. possible


Current Event Projects

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Week #7 A.P. Gov. Rogers


Discuss pages 74-79

Target: Students will learn where in the Constitution Federalism is discussed. They will learn the following concepts.

The Division of Power in the Government.
The Establishment of National Supremacy
--Implied Powers
---McCulloch v. Maryland
--Commerce Power
---Gibbon v. Ogden


Discuss Woll Reading McCulloch v. Maryland

Target: Students will learn about the Supreme Court case that established the supremacy of the national government.


Discuss reading 79-81

Target: States' obligation to each other; Full Faith and Credit


Discuss reading 81-84

Target: Intergovernmental Relations; Students will learn about duel federalism and cooperative federalism.


Current Event Project #2

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Week #6 A.P. Gov. Rogers


Discussion of the first 1o Amendments (Bill of Rights). Please be prepared to discuss and contribute.

Target: Students will learn about the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution. An in depth discussion about how the Bill of Rights really protected the following.

  • Protection of Free Expression

  • Protection of Personal Beliefs

  • Protection of Privacy

  • Protection of Defendant's Rights

  • Protection of Other Rights


Discussion of pages 68-74.

Target: Students will learn a working definition of Federalism and why it is important to the United States.


Read Pages 74-79

Target: Students will have their first examination returned. A in-depth explanation and debriefing will allow student the opportunity to see where they could improve. Test revisions will be discussed.


No School


No School

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Week #5 A.P. Gov. Rogers


Discussion over pages 57-61

Target: Amending the Constitution can be done formally or informally. Students will learn the formal ways to amend the Constitution as well as the much more common informal process of changing the Constitution.

Please review figure 2.4 on page 56

Read and understand the four informal ways to change the Constitution.

-Judicial Interpretation
--Marbury v. Madison\Judicial Review

-Changing Political Practice
--Changing the role of the Electoral College

--Mass Media

-Demands on Policymakers


Discussion over pages 61-65

Target: Students will learn the paradox that exists between the Constitution and true Democracy.

Voting Rights
-Who can vote and why?
-Changing who voters can elect. 17th Amendment

Scope of Government


Review Information from Chapters 1 & 2
Study Guide to be developed by students


Unit #1 Exam


Finish Current Event #1 Projects

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Week #4 AP Gov. Rogers

Monday 9-19-11

Discussion of pages 40-44


How did the delegates at the Constitutional Convention find common ground and compromise?

-Human Nature & Self Interests

-Fractions and Political Conflict

-Preservation of Property

-What type of government would work?

Tuesday 9-20-11

Discussion over pages 45-51


How did economics play a role in the Constitution?

-Federalists vs. Anti federalists

-Economic Powers of Congress

-Prohibitions of State Governments (Powers not held by the states)

How did the Madisonian Model create balance in the Constitution?
- Limiting Majority Control
-Separating Powers
-Creating Checks and Balances
-The Federal System

Wednesday 9-21-11

Discussion over pages 51-55


Ratification of the Constitution
-Federalist vs. Anti-Federalists
--Federalist Papers
-Bill of Rights

Thursday 9-22-11

Discussion over pages 55-57


How the Constitution can be Amended?

Constitutional Change
-The Formal Amending Process

Friday 9-23-11

Student Presentation: Current Event

Friday, September 9, 2011

Week #3 AP Gov. Rogers

Monday 9-12-11

Discussion over pages- 32-37

Origins of the Constitution

Declaring Indepedence

John Locke's Influence

Jefferson's Handiwork

Tuesday 9-13-11

Discussion over Johh Locke's Two Treaties of Civil Government

Students should bring a copy of their 150 word precis to class. They will be working in groups to refine their precis. Student's final products must be typed and ready for evaluation. Evaluation is based on succinctness and completeness and complexity.

Wednesday 9-14-11

Fair Day

Thursday 9-15-11

Discuss pages 37-40

Failure of the first constitution "Weakness of the Articles of Confederation"

Friday 9-16-11

Student Presentations "Current Event Project"

Monday, September 5, 2011

Week #2 AP Government Rogers

Sept. 5, 2011

No School

Happy Labor Day

Sept. 6, 2011

The Origins of American Government

-What is the role of governement?

-What is politics?

-How do people participate?

-Diagram the policymaking system

-How does U.S. Constitutions est. three policymaking institutions?

-How do these three institutions create public policy?

Sept. 7, 2011

Democracy in the United States

What is democracy?

Democratic Theory


--Elite and Class Theory


What are the challenges to democracy?

Sept. 8, 2011

Origins of the Constitution

The Road to Revolution

Declaration of Independence

John Locke's Influence

Sept. 9, 2011

9/11 How did it change the United States Government?

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Week #1 AP Gov. Rogers

Sept. 1, 2011

Welcome Back-- Class of 2012


--Ice Breaker

--Classroom Expectations


--Information Distribution




Sept. 2, 2011

--Questions on reading



--Types of Questions you see in AP Government and Politics.

--Assignment for long weekend