Saturday, October 1, 2011

Week #6 A.P. Gov. Rogers


Discussion of the first 1o Amendments (Bill of Rights). Please be prepared to discuss and contribute.

Target: Students will learn about the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution. An in depth discussion about how the Bill of Rights really protected the following.

  • Protection of Free Expression

  • Protection of Personal Beliefs

  • Protection of Privacy

  • Protection of Defendant's Rights

  • Protection of Other Rights


Discussion of pages 68-74.

Target: Students will learn a working definition of Federalism and why it is important to the United States.


Read Pages 74-79

Target: Students will have their first examination returned. A in-depth explanation and debriefing will allow student the opportunity to see where they could improve. Test revisions will be discussed.


No School


No School

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