Thursday, November 10, 2011

Week #12 AP Gov. Rogers

Dear AP Gov. @ Rogers

I can not begin to express my gratitude for what you've done. It hasn't been easy dealing with Easton's illness, but knowing I have classes like you definitely helps. From staying on task and treating Mr. Iverson with outstanding respect, to filming a wonderful get well video, you've really gone way beyond the typical expectation of a class. Every time I think of all the effort you put into the last three weeks, I am amazed. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You've helped in ways I can't even express. I will truly never forget this!


Mr. Zentz

Monday 11-14-11

Discuss Current Election- Nominations

Reading Provided and Power Point over history of the nomination process.

Tuesday 11-15-11

Discuss pages 270-277

Target: Students will learn the nomination game (i.e. How to get elected?) As part of this students will learn about the National Party Convention and the two ways delegates are chosen (i.e. Caucus System or Primary). The goal being students should have a better understanding of what the presidential candidates are fighting within their own party for today.

Wednesday 11-16-11

Clean-Up Day- Clean up all loose ends before submitting grades

Thursday 11-17-11

Discuss pages 277-281

Target: The process of selecting a representative from a convention is not complete without the send-off. Historically this has been very dramatic event. Student will examine the process and look at past conventions to see the drama of a national convention.

Friday 11-18-11

Discuss Pages 281-283

Target: Students will learn about organizing a political campaign. By end of the period student will learn about the 10 step necessary for a successful campaign. These would include the following.

Hire a manager
Get a fund-raiser

Get a campaign counsel

Hire Media

Assemble a campaign staff

Plan the logistics

Get a research staff

Hire a pollster

Get a good press secretary
Est. a website (Facebook)

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