Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Week #17 A.P. Gov. Rogers

Happy New Year!!!!!


Discussion over pages 352-357

Target: Students will learn about Representatives and Senators. By the end of the period they should be able to know how many members of congress exist and more importantly from which social group these members typically are elected. Key Questions.

-How important are the personal characteristics of members of congress?
-Can a group of predominately White, upper-middle-class, middle aged Protestant males adequately represent a much more diverse population?
-Do members of Congress work for themselves or the population at large?


Discussion over pages 357-362

Target: Students will examine the congressional elections and who if anyone has the advantage. Key terms are as follows.
-Incumbents-- Why is it so hard to defeat an Incumbent?
-Credit Claiming-- Casework and Pork barrel
-Position Taking
-Weak Opponents
-Campaign Spending


Quiz of key concepts


Discuss pages 363-367

Target: Students will learn how Congress is organized to make policy. Key concepts.
American Bicameralism
-The House
--House Rules Committee
-The Senate


Federalist #51

Target: Students will analyze Federalist #51 with the objective of finding themes through the use of quotes. Possible themes could include the following.

  • Separation of Power

  • Republic govt virtues

  • Arguments for a bicameral legislature

  • Checks and Balances

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Week #16 A.P. Gov Rogers


Target: Students will learn a research technique that will help them with current event projects. They will also learn about finding reliable sources and searching for informative topics.

Key Terms

Soft Money
527 Groups
Buckley v. Valeo
Campaign Finance Reform
Single Issue Groups


All Current Event Project are due. All students should be prepared to present. Student will also receive their Winter Break Homework.


Test Revisions and essay scores. Students will see the results of their last exam.


Current Event Projects Continued


Current Event Projects Finished

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Week #15 A.P. Gov. Rogers


Discussion and Review over both ch. 9 and ch. 10.

Target: Student will learn a technique to build their own study guides. Part of success in post secondary school is knowing how to identify important information from the text. Students will learn how to develop their own review by writing question about the content. We will be working in small groups to develop questions about the content from the last two chapters.


Review using study guide- 527 and PAC handouts will be distributed.


Essay response portion of Unit #4 Exam


Multiple Choice portion of Unit #4 Exam


Current Event Work- Campaign Finance Reform